Cecilie Stuart
Cecilie is a Founding Board Member and current Board Chair, a 10-year Stewardship mentor, and along with Jenny Griffiths, authored and produced the Human Growth and Development (HG&D) Program for Manzanita School. In addition to her background in commercial dance and entertainment, Cecilie co-produced several major live shows including the Ringling Brothers' Circus, and the American Choreography Awards, and has served as Executive Director/Founder of her own arts and sustainability non-profit, Move the World since 2013. Over the last five years, this local and regional effort has produced a thriving program called, Full Circle Compost, in partnership with LA Compost, CalRecycle, SMMUSD school district, and the LA STEM Collective, has educated and implemented food composting and garden programs for thousands of public school students. She also acts as a Sustainability Consultant for the Boys and Girls Club of Malibu, Pachamama Alliance, Santa Monica College, League of Women Voters, Will Rogers Elementary School, and Westside Global Awareness Magnet. Cecilie is proud to have contributed to the mentoring capacities and curriculum over the last ten years, spearheading programs like Human Growth and Development, Manzanita’s Dance Program, Stewardship Program, Manzanita Alumni Program, and a Drawdown Global Warming Program. Additionally, being a founding board member, she finds it extremely rewarding to support Manzanita's Head of School and Administration team in establishing an ongoing plan for Manzanita's future success and the Quasi Endowment. Outside of school hours, Cecilie is a bridge builder bringing communities, sustainability systems, and regional resources together, such as the Santa Monica Mountains Free Community Composting programs, Drawdown Education programs, and Public School Food Composting programs.
Educational Background: Cecilie holds an Associate of Arts degree in English, TRUE Advisor certification by GBCI (a designation of USGBC), holds Sustainability Certificates in Organics Aid and Business Waste Assessment from Santa Monica College, and is a Drawdown Educator.
Joined: 2014 (Year One)